Friday, March 9, 2007

Jeff Hoover’s Campaigning For Truth

Jeff Hoover: “I actually did vote for the Alternative Minimum Tax. It’s only now I am against it.”
Sound familiar?

Given Northup-Hoover’s campaign ineptitude, avoiding John Kerry is advisable. However, Hoover parodied the pariah. This afternoon, he simultaneously commended and criticized the horrid tax.

Jeff, there is one lone coherent position concerning the AMT. Business abhors the tax. Kentucky abhors the tax. Most politicians abhor the tax. Your position is… I apologize, I forgot the identity of your running mate.

Perpetually Negative Anne

During her gubernatorial campaign, Anne Northup has ignored policy. She has exuded negatively. She has traveled Kentucky, spouting three words. Her lone conviction has been “Fletcher cant win.”

During her congressional campaign, Anne Northup also ignored policy. She also exuded negatively. She traveled her district, spouting three words. Her lone conviction was “Yarmuth is bad.”

Both parties abhor negative campaigning. Both parties desire issue dialogue. Thus, why should one support Northup? For the second consecutive cycle, she has personified the politics of personal destruction. She has acted with one objective… winning.

Anne Northup. Great for herself. Bad for Kentucky.

Annie Two-Face

Anne Northup: “Local governments have said for years that they need more options to fund necessary local programs besides the heavy reliance on the occupational and utility taxes. I would encourage the legislature to extend those options so services and projects could increase without increasing state bureaucratic costs.”

I apologize. For two months, I have been critiquing gubernatorial candidates. I meant to only critique Republicans. However, I have been criticizing Anne Northup. (For those slow learners who have been criticizing me, I am labeling Anne a non-Republican.)

Anne touts her conservatism. Clearly, Anne possesses bipolar values. Republicans abstain from voting liberally. Republicans do not win “porker of the month awards.” Republicans do not propose tax increases.

Anne’s Bad Day
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